新聞公報所有202420232022202120202019香港民研發放特首及問責司局長民望以及限聚指數 (2022-03-15)HKPORI releases popularities of CE and principal officials along with GGPI (2022-03-15)2022-03-15新聞發佈會取消 (2022-03-11)Press Conference Cancelled (2022-03-11)2022-03-11香港民研發放市民最熟悉政治人物排名榜以及限聚指數 (2022-03-08)HKPORI releases people’s most familiar political figures along with GGPI (2022-03-08)2022-03-08香港民研「廚餘轉化」調查新聞發佈會 (2022-03-04)HKPORI press conference on “Food Waste Transformation” (2022-03-04)2022-03-04香港民研發放政府民望數字、民情指數、各項信任及信心指標以及限聚指數 (2022-03-01)HKPORI releases the latest popularities of SAR Government, PSI, trust and confidence indicators along with GGPI (2022-03-01)2022-03-01香港民研舉行財政預算案即時調查結果 及「社會民生觀察計劃」調查新聞發佈會 (2022-02-24)HKPORI releases the Budget Instant Poll results as well as the Social Observation Project survey (2022-02-24)2022-02-24香港民研發放社會幸福指標以及限聚指數 (2022-02-22)HKPORI releases Social Wellbeing Indicators along with GGPI (2022-02-22)2022-02-22香港民研「社區氣候應變計劃」調查新聞發佈會 (2022-02-18)HKPORI press conference on “Community response plan on climate change” (2022-02-18)2022-02-18香港民研發放特首民望數字社會及自由指標以及限聚指數 (2022-02-15)HKPORI releases CE popularities Social and Freedom Indicators along with GGPI (2022-02-15)2022-02-15香港民研「抗疫政策」調查新聞發佈會 (2022-02-11)HKPORI press conference on “Anti-epidemic policies” (2022-02-11)2022-02-11香港民研發放兩岸政治人物民望及限聚指數 (2022-02-08)HKPOP releases the popularities of cross-strait political figures along with GGPI (2022-02-08)2022-02-08「我們香港人計劃」之「氣候變化」調查新聞發佈會暨小型政策論壇及公佈最新限聚指數 (2022-02-04)“We Hongkongers Survey” press conference cum mini-policy forum on the theme “Climate Change” along with the latest GGPI (2022-02-04)2022-02-04「我們香港人計劃」之 「社區墟市」調查新聞發佈會暨小型政策論壇 及公佈最新限聚指數 (2022-01-28)“We Hongkongers Survey” press conference cum mini-policy forum on the theme “Community Markets” along with the latest GGPI (2022-01-28)2022-01-28香港民研發佈最新政府民望數字、民情指數、巿民對各地人民及政府觀感以及限聚指數 (2022-01-25)HKPOP release the latest popularities of SAR Government, PSI and Hong Kong People’s Feelings towards Different Governments and People as well as GGPI (2022-01-25)2022-01-25「我們香港人計劃」之「氣候變化教育」調查新聞發佈會暨小型政策論壇及公佈最新限聚指數 (2022-01-21)“We Hongkongers Survey” press conference cum mini-policy forum on the theme “Climate Change Education” along with the latest GGPI (2022-01-21)2022-01-21香港民研發佈社會政策滿意程度調查結果及限聚指數 (2022-01-18)HKPOP release the survey result of Appraisal of Social Policies as well as GGPI (2022-01-18)2022-01-18「我們香港人計劃」之「防疫措施」調查新聞發佈會暨小型政策論壇及公佈最新限聚指數 (2022-01-14)“We Hongkongers Survey” press conference cum mini-policy forum on the theme “Anti-epidemic measures” along with the latest GGPI (2022-01-14)2022-01-14香港民研發放特首及司長民望五項核心社會指標及限聚指數 (2022-01-11)HKPOP releases the popularities of CE and Secretaries of Departments as well as Five Core Social Indicators along with GGPI (2022-01-11)2022-01-11「我們香港人計劃」之「新聞資訊接收」調查新聞發佈會暨小型政策論壇及公佈最新限聚指數 (2022-01-07)“We Hongkongers Survey” press conference cum mini-policy forum on the theme “Receiving News and Information” along with the latest GGPI (2022-01-07)2022-01-07香港民研發放社會狀況評價及最新限聚指數 (2022-01-04)HKPOP releases the appraisal of society’s current condition as well as the latest GGPI (2022-01-04)2022-01-044 / 4