香港民研每半年檢視和調整工作一次,部份改變已在上月啟動,包括下調新聞發佈會的次數和啟動網上公民教育工作。六月開始, 我們會啟動「一國兩制25周年中期民情總結」,暫時以兩個月為第一階段,逐個星期以不同形式發佈各個項目總結。民研本星期會先以官員民望打頭陣,下星期再總結六四民情,然後是身份認同和回歸周年,詳情容後公佈。七月開始,我們打算下調定期民意調查的次數,由每月兩次減至每月一次,以便爭取資源進行公民教育和民情總結。
HKPORI reviews and adjusts its work once every six months. Some changes have already been started last month, including reducing the frequency of press conferences and developing online civic education. In June, we kickstart the “One Country Two Systems 25-year Mid-term Review”. The first phase of the review will take two months, in different forms of releases each week. We will start with the popularity of officials this week, then June Fourth wrap-up, then ethnic identity and then handover anniversaries, details to be announced. Starting from July, we plan to reduce the frequency of our tracking surveys from twice a month to once a month, in order to conserve resources for civic education and mid-term review.